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ENF太阳能 | 来源:ENF太阳能 浏览次数:2417 发布时间:2017年10月30日

  Ⅰ. Introduction:

  The ITC extension and COP21 have had a profound impact on the state of the American solar market allowing new players to enter the market.

  For this reason this year we are moving away from an event where industry talks to itself and we are reaching out to: Corporates ready to sign offsite and onsite PPAs, keen to ensure their renewables commitment are as profitable as they are sustainable.

  Banks and insurance companies active in LIHTC and HTC looking to transition into the renewables tax equity markets. Asset owners and institutional investors looking to enlarge their portfolios and to balance their liabilities with long-term investments.

  Ⅱ. Topics:

  ● How to secure tax equity in 2017: Who will be the new entrants and how will the established players will continue to cater to the growing demand?

  ● Corporate PPAs: structures, financial models, Offsite/Onsite and how to deal with accounting risk Project M&A landscape and how to maximise yield on existing assets.

  ● Financing structures for community shared solar.


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特别顾问: 中国有色金属工业协会硅业分会
常年法律顾问: 北京市鑫诺律师事务所

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