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  Ⅰ. Introduction:

  All-Energy Australia is Australia's biggest and highest quality clean and renewable energy conference. Free to attend, the conference features over 200 industry speakers across 7 session streams over two days. In 2016 our conference agenda focused around the core themes of energy storage, the emerging smart grid, and energy efficiency, offering unparalleled content in all three areas.

  Don't miss Australia's peak knowledge sharing, discussion and networking opportunity for the renewable energy sector – fostering partnerships and pathways to a cleaner energy future. To get the latest news about the 2017 conference, subscribe for our e-news.

  Ⅱ. Why Exhibit:

  ● Reach the largest gathering of clean energy professionals and investors seen anywhere in Australia with your products and services.

  ● A show that delivers for you

  ● Highly targeted marketing - All-Energy Australia has an extensive marketing reach with print and online advertising campaigns featuring event sponsors and partners, in addition to advertising space in our printed exhibition directory and online exhibitor directory for all companies that book a stand.

  ● Achieve more in two days of the exhibition than your sales team could in months - nothing beats face-to-face business where the buyers come to you!

  ● A stand helps you generate awareness in this fast-growing market - whether you are already in the industry, new to the market or expanding into it, the need to be seen as an industry player is imperative in order to capitalise on new opportunities.

  Ⅲ. Exhibition Scope:

  ◆ Wind Energy/ Power

  ◆ Marine Energy

  ◆ Off-grid Power

  ◆ Transport

  ◆ Solar

  ◆ Wind

  ◆ Energy Efficiency & Energy Management

  ◆ Carbon Capture & Storage

  ◆ Energy Storage

客服热线: 4008 900 668

电话:+86-10-82070680 传真:+86-10-82070690 Email:service@windosi.com

特别顾问: 中国有色金属工业协会硅业分会
常年法律顾问: 北京市鑫诺律师事务所

QQ群联盟:硅业在线光伏交流群 203644686 高纯石英砂群 103903409 金属硅 217372614 硅合金群 40617384 微硅粉,硅微粉,硅粉群 23886555