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ENF太阳能 | 来源:ENF太阳能 浏览次数:1426 发布时间:2017年6月13日

  Ⅰ. Introduction:

  2017 is the year for renewable Energy Storage progression, placing it firmly in the spotlight. So we couldn't miss out on the chance to bring you the most tailored, in-depth and commercially focused forum yet!

  Ⅱ. Conference Agenda:

  ◆ The Flywheel Energy Storage plant with potential to revolutionise renewable sector

  ◆ Real-world performance analysis of leading Wind and Solar energy storage solutions and technology

  ◆ Transferring experience and developments in power predictability and frequency response from North America to Europe

  ◆ How to successfully add energy storage to a wind turbine and the perceived performance benefits from an OEM perspective

  ◆ Smart energy storage system installations, grid-edge applicability and the value proposition for residential deployment

  Ⅲ. Who Attend:

  ★ Utilities

  ★ TNOs/ DNOs

  ★ Energy Storage Project Developers

  ★ Battery Manufacturers

  ★ Clean Technology Consultancies

  ★ Renewable Energy Investors

  ★ Electricity System Regulators

  ★ Energy Storage System Integrators

  ★ Government Agencies

  ★ Energy Lawyers

  ★ OEMs


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