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贺利氏推出新款 HeraGlaze 涂料:增加硅锭产量并提高电池效率
OFweek 太阳能光伏网 | 来源:OFweek 太阳能光伏网 浏览次数:1124 发布时间:2017年4月21日


      硅业在线赢硅网4月21日讯   全新产品将进一步改善坩埚性能,由此光伏行业预计增产20亿块硅片,总功率提高9GW。

  (中国上海 ,2017年4月19日)作为全球领先的可再生能源技术解决方案提供商,贺利氏光伏推出了高纯度 SiO2 防扩散涂层--HeraGlaze,该产品有望在硅锭生产过程中大幅提升坩埚的性能。这是贺利氏光伏在金属化浆料之外推出的第一款产品,也将为集成式光伏系统制造商在品质和产量上带来大幅提升。HeraGlaze 可将晶硅产量提升 4%,同时大幅提高电池效率。以此估算,截至 2020 年,整个行业将增产近 20 亿块硅锭,总功率也将提高 9 GW。光伏电池生产的第一步工序中,厂家可应用 HeraGlaze 将多晶硅块融化成一整块硅锭。这一前期工序无论是对硅锭还是最终成品(即光伏电池硅片)的品质来说,都具极为关键的意义。贺利氏的新品涂料可应用于坩埚的多孔表面。这一产品可直接应用于客户的生产现场,客户也可对现有的坩埚进行改造或升级。因此,该解决方案具有极高的性价比,客户无需购买新坩埚,从而节省了额外的资金。


  在硅块熔化和结晶的过程中,HeraGlaze 可作为一层屏障,可防止坩埚表面的杂质(如铁)因加热而融入硅熔体/硅锭之中。通过增加硅锭的可用截面,从而确保更高的硅片产量。贺利氏光伏总裁李海德(Andreas Liebheit)表示:“作为科技领导企业,贺利氏推出的全新HeraGlaze 可为我们的发展之路开启全新篇章,同时还可为客户创造更多的附加价值。这是我们在光伏电池金属化浆料之外推出的第一款产品,是我们研发工作的又一个里程碑,可以帮助我们的客户进一步提升电池效率。”




  贺利氏是一家总部位于德国哈瑙市的科技集团,公司成立于1851 年,如今已成为了一家全球领先的家族企业。公司2016年被评选为德国10大家族企业之一。凭借专业的技术、创新的理念、卓越的运营以及具有企业家精神的管理团队,我们不断努力提升业绩表现。我们通过发挥材料与科技方面的专长,致力于为客户创造高价值的解决方案,持续帮助他们提升在未来的市场竞争力。我们的市场集中在环保、能源、健康、机动车及工业应用等领域。我们的产品组合极为丰富,涵盖了从组件到集成材料系统,广泛应用于钢铁、电子、化工、汽车和通信等行业。2015 年财年,贺利氏集团取得了19 亿欧元的销售收入(不含贵金属),以及129 亿欧元的总收入(含贵金属)。贺利氏目前在38 个国家拥有约12,500 名员工和100多家子公司,在全球市场上占据领导地位。

  Higher yield of solar wafers and enhanced solar cell efficiency withnew HeraGlaze coating by Heraeus

  Enhanced crucible performance able to deliver close to 2 billion more wafers and thusup to 9GW extra power

  SHANGHAI, CHINA – April 19, 2017 – Heraeus Photovoltaics, the worldwide leading supplier ofmetallization solutions to the PV industry, introduced HeraGlaze, a high-purity SiO2 diffusion barriercoating for enhanced crucible performance in wafer production. It is the first product of HeraeusPhotovoltaics beyond metallization pastes and a leap in quality and yield for integrated PVmanufacturers.With HeraGlaze the wafer yield is increased by up to 4% and cell efficiency isimproved significantly. A higher wafer yield of 4% increases the output until 2020 to close to 2 billionwafers, resulting in approximately 9GW of extra power.

  HeraGlaze is used in the very first step of the of the solar cell manufacturing process, when polycrystallinesilicon blocks are melted into a single silicon ingot. This early process is crucial for thequality of the ingots and thus for the quality of the final product – the solar wafers.

  The new product of Heraeus comes as a slurry, which is applied on the porous surface of thecrucibles. This can be done directly at the production site of the customer and allows to retrofit orupgrade existing crucibles. As a result, the solution is very cost-efficient as no additional expenditureson new crucibles are required.

  A new chapter as technology leader

  HeraGlaze acts as a barrier and prevents that thermally induced impurities such as iron aretransferred from the crucible into the silicon ingot during the melting and crystallization of silicon. Thehigher wafer yield is achieved by increasing the usable section of a silicon ingot.

  “HeraGlaze opens a new chapter in our roadmap as a technology leader and provides our customerswith more added value. It’s our first product beyond solar cell metallization and another R&Dlandmark, which enables our customers to realize further efficiency gains,” says Andreas Liebheit,President of Heraeus Photovoltaics.

  About the Heraeus Photovoltaics Global Business Unit

  The Heraeus Photovoltaics Business Unit is an industry leading developer and manufacturerof silver metallization pastes as well as a provider of solutions and services for thephotovoltaic industry. For over 40 years, Heraeus has built a reputation of innovation,extensive research and new product development in thick film technologies for some of themost prominent companies within a variety of industries. In the field of photovoltaics, theHeraeus Photovoltaics Business Unit applies this history and its innovative technology tooffer metallization pastes for solar cell applications as well as solutions and services toincrease efficiency in wafer production processes. The Heraeus SOL Series of silver pastesis specially formulated to provide higher efficiencies and wider processing windows, resultingin better yields and higher output for cell manufacturers.

  Heraeus, the technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany, is a leading internationalfamily-owned company formed in 1851. In 2016, it has been awarded one of the ten mostimportant family owned businesses. With expertise, a focus on innovations, operationalexcellence and an entrepreneurial leadership, we strive to continuously improve ourbusiness performance. We create high-quality solutions for our clients and strengthen theircompetitiveness in the long term by combining material expertise with technological knowhow.Our ideas are focused on themes such as the environment, energy, health, mobilityand industrial applications. Our portfolio ranges from components to coordinated materialsystems which are used in a wide variety of industries, including the steel, electronics,chemical, automotive and telecommunications industries. In the 2015 financial year,Heraeus generated revenues without precious metals of ?1.9 bn and a total revenueincluding precious metal of ?12.9 bn. With approximately 12,500 employees worldwide inmore than 100 subsidiaries in 38 countries, Heraeus holds a leading position in its globalmarkets.






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