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ENF太阳能 | 来源:ENF太阳能 浏览次数:1682 发布时间:2017年4月3日

  Ⅰ. Introduction:

  SiliconPV 2017, the 7th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics, will focus on advanced technologies, materials and concepts for crystalline silicon solar cells and modules.

  Silicon photovoltaics is sometimes believed to be an ‘old lady’, with the first proper crystalline silicon solar cell presented already 60 years ago. But the dynamics in this field of research is huge, with many excellent results being published in the recent past from both research institutions as well as industry. This is true for very applied research with high industrial relevance for current wafer, solar cell and module production, as well as for fundamental issues allowing for a better understanding of the underlying physics and operation principles. All of these topics are covered in the conference and will be addressed by international researchers.

  The 7th International Conference on Silicon Photovoltaics will be hosted by Fraunhofer ISE, Europe’s largest solar energy research institute, and will focus on advanced technologies, materials and concepts for crystalline silicon solar cells and modules. As in the last two years, the nPV workshop will take place successively to the SiliconPV conference with one overlapping day and a joined conference dinner. This will give you a complete overview of all trends, innovations and developments of n-type technology.

  Ⅱ. Conference Topics:

  ● Silicon material and wafering technologies

  ● Junction formation

  ● Cleaning, etching, surface morphology and associated passivation

  ● Advanced light management

  ● Structuring and contact formation

  ● Advanced characterization and simulation

  ● Process integration

  ● Novel cell structures, e.g. applying tandems, new material combinations or nanostructures

  ● Module processing and materials

  ● Module reliability and production yield

  ● High efficiency devices


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