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  Ⅰ. Introduction:

  All-Energy is held in Glasgow annually. In its 18th year, it has firmly established itself as the UK's leading renewable energy exhibition and conference. Each edition, All-Energy brings together the latest technologies and thought leaders worldwide.

  Attracting visitors from a variety of sectors within the renewables industry including onshore & offshore wind, bioenergy, wave & tidal, sustainable cities and energy efficiency, All-Energy gives exhibitors the opportunity to do business with key international experts and buyers in one location. All-Energy offers structured networking opportunities to help suppliers establish relationships and secure business on a global scale.

  Ⅱ. Why Exhibit:

  ★ Gain exposure to the renewable energy community: Meet 1,000s of international buyers from over 50 countries around the world

  ★ Reach a targeted audience: with visitors representing both traditional sectors of renewables as well as sustainability, community energy, energy efficiency, grid, facilities management and more, visitors to All-Energy are looking for cutting edge solutions and technical content

  ★ Meet the market face-to-face: two days of uninterupted business brings the key players in the industry direct to you

  ★ Connect with your target audience: expand your business networks with world-class conference & seminar sessions and sector specific Share Fairs, attracting a high-level audience seeking the latest developments

  ★ Develop new business relationships: Promote to and network with key contacts from the renewables industry looking to source solutions

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特别顾问: 中国有色金属工业协会硅业分会
常年法律顾问: 北京市鑫诺律师事务所

QQ群联盟:硅业在线光伏交流群 203644686 高纯石英砂群 103903409 金属硅 217372614 硅合金群 40617384 微硅粉,硅微粉,硅粉群 23886555